A book on “Nepal-Pakistan Buddhist Relations”

A book on “Nepal-Pakistan Buddhist Relations” A book on “Nepal-Pakistan Buddhist Relations” detailing splendid shared heritage authored by former Amb Mr. Hiranya Lal Shrestha was launched today. Pakistan Embassy collaborated with Hiranya International Friendship Library on the book launch event organized at memorial Stupa of renowned Buddhist Pandit Vasubandhu (born in Peshawar, Pakistan and travelled…

H.E. Abrar H Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal, visited Budhanilkantha School (BNKS) located at Narayanthan, Kathmandu

H.E. Abrar H Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal, visited Budhanilkantha School (BNKS) located at Narayanthan, Kathmandu On 26 May 2023, H.E. Abrar H Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal, visited Budhanilkantha School (BNKS) located at Narayanthan, Kathmandu. Mr. Horn Nath Acharya, Principal of the School, faculty members, and students welcomed the Ambassador. The Principal…

The Embassy of Pakistan organized inauguration ceremony of “Pakistan-Nepal Friendship Park” at Bansbari Club

The Embassy of Pakistan organized inauguration ceremony of “Pakistan-Nepal Friendship Park” at Bansbari Club Today, The Embassy of Pakistan organized inauguration ceremony of “Pakistan-Nepal Friendship Park” at Bansbari Club, adjacent to Shahid Gangalal Hospital, Kathmandu. Ambassador of Pakistan to Nepal Mr. Abrar H Hashmi, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The handover ceremony was…